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CRM Onboarding & Targeting

First-party data is a marketer’s most valuable asset. Customer relationship management (CRM) data is first-party data collected directly from consumers. For example, business addresses or an email list of newsletter subscribers that can be used for CRM targeting strategies. With our CRM onboarding feature, powered by LiveRamp, you can use your best asset in a CRM targeting strategy to re-engage your audience and retarget at scale. 


What is CRM Onboarding?

Choozle’s CRM Onboarding feature, powered by LiveRamp, lets you bring offline data online to uncover your most valuable users and create highly targeted custom audiences. It allows for improved customer experience, faster time to value, data quality, and user adoption.


What is CRM Targeting?

CRM Targeting allows you to activate onboarded data within a campaign to target people already engaged with your brand. CRM targeting allows for personalized communications, increased engagement, improved conversion rates, optimized resource allocations, and better customer segmentation.


The combination of CRM onboarding and CRM targeting enhances customer relationships, improves sales efficiency, provides data-driven decision making, and gives a competitive advantage.


In this downloadable guide, you will learn how our CRM feature gives you direct access to LiveRamp, an enterprise-level tool for identity that will provide you with unmatched capabilities for precision targeting and personalization.


Note: An audience is a way to group your users within LiveRamp; sometimes you only need one audience. LiveRamp Audiences are equivalent to segments in the Choozle Platform. 


You will also learn about how it works in five simple steps that will guide you through exactly what to do so everything runs smoothly. Download the guide today to learn about all five steps and how CRM onboarding and targeting works.  


You’ll also deep dive into Chooze’s notes and best practices, providing you with tips and tricks and our expertise and knowledge so you can run successful targeting. 


Download today to learn more!