Last year was filled to the brim with big goals, improvements, additions and – of course – tons of fun.
2017 yielded several key milestones for Choozle, anchored by 120% revenue growth from January to December which paved the way for a Series B capital raise in Q4 totaling $6 million.
Get the details on our year-over-year growth, product enhancements, LaCroix consumed, press earned and more projections for the year ahead by downloading our 2017 Choozle Year in Review infographic!

Since inception, our company has been working diligently on enhancing our easy-to-use, self-serve digital advertising platform. We saw campaign performance metrics that doubled the industry performance averages published by the IAB. Bolstered by strong industry fundamentals including a $94 billion global advertising projection for 2018, Choozle forecasts increased demand from agencies and marketers alike. In 2018, we will continue partnering with industry leaders to create robust solutions for independent advertising agencies and further expand the platform’s capabilities.
Along with impressive campaign and company numbers, our team placed a focus on hiring for diversity and inclusivity, and we added four women to the development team in 2017. By the end of January 2018, Choozle will have 61 employees total, with 30 women and 31 men.