Our colors are an essential element of our brand identity, helping to power our visual presentation. They are used in all colored printing and in all electronic communications.
Natural Indigo #083340 & Canary #fdb825 are our primary and secondary colors.
Granny Smith, Papaya, & Baby Crimson are our tertiary colors.
Primary and secondary colors will be used for all buttons and links on the main website. The blog follows the same structure but individual blog posts are more flexible and may utilize any color, depending on use.
Tertiary colors should only be used when an additional color is needed on the site. The exception to this rule is whitepapers, infographics, featured images, and anything else that doesn’t follow defined guidelines.
Each set of colors contains the main base color. This should always take priority before utilizing any of the accent colors. Accent colors should only be used IN ADDITION to the base color, and should never be used alone.